In the company of Friends
On days when I work from home, I sometimes don’t see another human. Unless I go up the street for a coffee or have an errand to run, it’s me, myself and I. I rely heavily on podcasts; if I can’t have physical contact with others, the sound of the human voice goes a long way towards making me feel less alone. But I enjoy working from home and usually don’t feel lonely on those days devoid of human contact.
Last night, however, I realised that while I may not consciously feel lonely, spending time in the company of friends makes me feel buoyant in a way that’s essential to my wellbeing.
Walking along Flinders Lane last Friday, I happened to see a poster advertising a Friends trivia night. My dear friend Andy adores that show, so I sent her a picture with the details and we scrambled together a team over the weekend. Joining us were a former workmate and his daughter, also fans. The four of us had a ball, not only in the process of reaching our proud showing of fifth place out of over 30 teams, but also because the spontaneous Monday night out felt like a delicious extension of the weekend.
When my head hit the pillow that night, I felt light and fluffy and found myself smiling. I gave thanks for my friends and that everyone happened to be free and willing to venture out on a cold winter’s night. It also reminded me to seek out human contact more often on those days I work from home. I want to feel joy like that as often as possible.